Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The big reason why people are getting FAT!!!!

Sitting on a resent flight to Chicago for the 4th of July, the Stuart passed offering some snacks which you have to pay and some drinks which are courtesy of the house. In front of me were sitting 3 kids, they asked for a soda can for each one. In the Stuart’s cart they held juices, sodas and water.
People and also parents need to learn what’s inside of a soda or a juice….. just nothing good. It is filled with sugar and if not with either high fructose corn syrup or a sugar substitute and colorants. And what sugar can cause to your body and even to your brain? is only damage, nothing better. Sugar is addictive; it is the main reason why people are obese these days, kids suffering from ADD, learning disabilities, diabetes and so on.
Can you imagine the Stuart offering some kind of stimulant or worst Marijuana? Well it’s the same in some way.
Kids are being taught and are being exposed to junk, lots of sugar… and that’s what the market wants, so they will increase their sales…… what a waist. Why they do this to us?? There should be a big sign or maybe a huge one posting: “HELP!!!! WE NEED GOOD FOOD”
Big companies should come up with something that kids will love, enjoy and at the same time make them healthy, and so be the future of our society. We need to teach them how to enjoy clean and pure water, the best source of fluid for your body.
Keep Moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fear is what stops us from being great.

Fear is what stops us from being great, it hold us from stepping forward to life; it is the ENEMY that doesn’t let us be what we really were...