Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fear is what stops us from being great.

Fear is what stops us from being great, it hold us from stepping forward to life; it is the ENEMY that doesn’t let us be what we really were meant to be. And yes, we all have fears, you name it: fear of success, fear of heights, fear of dying, fear of getting that job, fear of exercising and getting healthy etc.

What happens when you cross the barrier of fear?? After reading many, many books like “Feel the fear and do it anyway” by Susan Jeffers, books of mastering your thoughts, etc., I changed my perspective of fear. That knowledge will help people take the road and drive thru their path. What happens when you, yourself, overcome it, feel it, do it, is: “WISDOM COMES”. You have to experience it with your body, your mind and your soul, that’s when you really breakthrough and become better.

This Friday October 1, 2010 was an amazing day, o yeaaaa. I work with the greatest team of trainers ever; we really are the best striving daily to get even better. Billy Beck III, our boss, friend and awesome person ever, took us to challenge ourselves to overcome fear, step forward and be better persons and trainers. What an experience!!! He took us to do tide rope where you have to walk on a rope 40 something feet above the floor hanged by a harness. It wasn’t that easy!!!!!
To talk about my fears, I always was afraid of heights. Deep inside scared, due to an experience I had when I was little.
Was I scared?? Yes, but I mentally changed my perspective of my fear just by not thinking about it.

In early 2010, I wrote in my goals that I would like to overcome my greatest fears, and that day I internalized that goal and I said to myself : “You have to do it no matter what”, opportunities don’t come every day, it is now or maybe never, and that I can do it with this great group of people that are in the same situation I am, with their help, coaching and energy we will all do it together as a team and grow.(By the way I like this word “GROW” we do have to grow or we get stagnant, and if you are stagnant you are dead); to always be better persons and trainers, to better help our clients, family and friends, and make a difference in this world.

I want to thank my spiritual guide, I name it God, for being there and inspire me.

When we want to have something in life we have to dream it, write it, feel that you have accomplished it and be optimistic of getting it.

Keep Moving, Keep Smiling!!! We live once.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Diana’s Vegetable Soup

Being in shape and healthy sometimes and for some people it is a struggle, but the truth is, that it shouldn’t be. That’s why we have to work with trial and error to see what really works for us.

Here I want to share this recipe that just came into my mind. Today talking with a client that can’t find the time to cook and eat the right foods, this Yummii and flavored soup came into my mind, and “voila” it does have life, spice and a lot of taste. Hope you like it as I did.

Diana’s Vegetable Soup

(You can add any type of lean organic meat or organic chicken or turkey breast)
I did it vegetarian.
All vegetables are fresh.

1/2 cup Beans soaked overnight in warm water. Change the water a few times.
1 medium sweet onion
3 cloves of garlic
½ squash
1 bag French green beans
2 tablespoon fresh ginger
¼ fennel with everything
3 stalks celery
1 medium yellow zucchini
½ orange pepper
1 leek (just the white part)
2 medium parsnips
2 medium carrots
1 small sweet potato
¼ cup Fresh cilantro
Dash of cayenne pepper
Indian curry

Chop and grill the onion and the garlic in little oil in a tall pan.
Add water and cooked the beans for 20mn aprox.

While it cooks: take the squash remove the seeds and place it on an oven safe pan and bake it face down on 350 * with 2 tablespoon of water for 20mn aprox.. Take it out peel it and cut it.

While everything is cooking chop the rest of the vegetable, add them to the pan with the beans with enough water, add the squash, the cayenne pepper, curry and salt; boil everything for 20 more mn on low heat.

Let it cool, take ¼ of the vegetable soup and blend it, add it to the rest of the soup for a creamy texture.

I love eating, I love enjoying my food I love life!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep Moving!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to Interpret Food Labels and Shop Like an Expert

Food labels can be confusing, even for seasoned shoppers. Does "trans fat-free" mean guilt-free? Is "organic" more healthful? Not always, here is a guide that breaks down label lingo and shows how to detect misleading enticements.

Serving Size
Isn't a small package of cookies or a can of soup a single serving? No, one serving is whatever the numbers on the label say it is.
"You have to multiply the fat and calories by the number of servings listed on the label." That can of soup showing 800 milligrams of sodium… Check the label. With the blessing of the Food and Drug Administration, the manufacturer defines the amount as two servings. Mistaking it for a single serving will have you downing 1,600 milligrams of sodium, higher than the American Heart Association's recommended maximum of 1,500 milligrams for an entire day.
Take cereal, for example. "The serving size is one ounce, which is good information," "But what does one ounce mean?" A one-ounce serving of Grape-Nuts is 3 tablespoons; an ounce of Cheerios fills one cup. Unless you're measuring out cereal on a scale, it's hard to visualize what an ounce of cereal looks like.

No Sugar Added
This term doesn't mean sugar-free, as is often thought. The product may not have had sugar added during processing, but it could contain natural sugars that have the same number of calories. To know where your sweetener is coming from, check the list of ingredients for corn syrup, sorghum, maltodextrin, or anything ending in "ose" (like fructose).

A product can contain up to 0.5 grams of fat per serving and still be called fat-free. But load up your plate and you could be consuming several grams of fat.
Moreover, "a lot of people associate 'free' with no calories, which is not the case," "One muffin could be fat-free, but could contain 600 calories and be loaded with sugar." So be cautious that "fat-free" food labels give consumers the impression that it's O.K. to indulge.

0 Grams Trans Fat
As with "fat-free," manufacturers can brand any product with less than half a gram of trans fat per serving with "0 grams trans fat." The giveaway sign is the ingredient list. If hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats are on it, trans fats are in the product.

While this defines foods that contain no more than half the fat or sodium as their "un-light" version, it can also describe texture or color, such as light brown sugar or light olive oil. "Light olive oil is light in flavor, color, and has a lighter feeling in terms of texture, but has the same nutritional value as its counterpart," "You won't save calories by choosing a lighter oil."

This is called a "health halo"—a little-understood term that sends good vibes. As defined by the government, organic foods are produced without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers and cannot be genetically modified. Whether the foods are more healthful and worth a higher price is another question. Many nonorganic products, like whole-grain bread and peanut butter, are healthful while organic chips and cookies may be loaded with fat, sodium, and sugar. When buying organic, "don't be fooled by the front of the package."

Keep Moving!!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010


"Let Food be your medicine & Medicine be your food" Hippocrates


Learn and be an expert in:

How to select foods that will optimize your fat loss.

The truth behind fat free... sugar free... no cholesterol, labeling... and more.

How to recognize misleading information in “Healthy Foods”.

How to read and understand “Food Labels” (Nutrition Facts).

Make better choices for you and your family that will save you time.

Invite your friends and family, let's help them learn the right way to get " LEAN & HEALTHY"

If there is somebody that will benefit from this tour , help them, they will thank you forever..........

"Every little step foward we make in life is a step to success"

When: August 24th /2010 @ 6pm
Where: @ Publix Weston Town Center
Reserve @: 954-424-8584
Price : $40.00 / 1 to 1 ½ hour tour

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The big reason why people are getting FAT!!!!

Sitting on a resent flight to Chicago for the 4th of July, the Stuart passed offering some snacks which you have to pay and some drinks which are courtesy of the house. In front of me were sitting 3 kids, they asked for a soda can for each one. In the Stuart’s cart they held juices, sodas and water.
People and also parents need to learn what’s inside of a soda or a juice….. just nothing good. It is filled with sugar and if not with either high fructose corn syrup or a sugar substitute and colorants. And what sugar can cause to your body and even to your brain? is only damage, nothing better. Sugar is addictive; it is the main reason why people are obese these days, kids suffering from ADD, learning disabilities, diabetes and so on.
Can you imagine the Stuart offering some kind of stimulant or worst Marijuana? Well it’s the same in some way.
Kids are being taught and are being exposed to junk, lots of sugar… and that’s what the market wants, so they will increase their sales…… what a waist. Why they do this to us?? There should be a big sign or maybe a huge one posting: “HELP!!!! WE NEED GOOD FOOD”
Big companies should come up with something that kids will love, enjoy and at the same time make them healthy, and so be the future of our society. We need to teach them how to enjoy clean and pure water, the best source of fluid for your body.
Keep Moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stay Fit while in vacation

First rule to be fit and healthy is to eat your veggies, lean protein, good fats and your starchy carbohydrates without forgetting drinking plenty of clean and pure water. But what happens when we travel, go out for the weekend?? UPS!!!! Then we have to eat where ever and whatever…. So if you are organized, knowledgeable about your food combining; portion control you can easily manage your eating habits where ever you go.

Just recently came from a long weekend with my family from Chicago, and on the plan there were places to visit and restaurants to eat. Chicago is famous for their deep pizza and hot dogs. Well I thought: If it is just for the weekend I can deserve a “Cheat day” or call it a “Free day”. Life is to enjoy. Always being conscious of not binging.

I decided that if I would have a pizza night, that day I would be eating my normal meals: breakfast would include my egg whites with some veggies and a piece of whole wheat toast, for my snacks I will take with me some nuts and fruits, knowing that I might not be able to find a healthy stop, and dinner will be the pizza time, and why not with a glass of wine. Now the important part is to enjoy it, don’t over eat, you don’t want to end up with stomach ache.

This is a matter of wanting to keep your body in shape, healthy and not coming with extra pounds that then you will regret….not good!!!

If you want you can, is a matter of choice!!!!

Did I enjoy Chicago? O yeah, what an outstanding city.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

“TO BE OR NOT TO BE HAPPY” That’s your decision!!!

Research has proven that happy people live longer, are healthier, more successful, enjoy deep relationships, earn more money, and are liked and better respected.

But what happens? That people are almost always worrying in spending their energies and time in small things that are not that important. So it’s better to stay focus in what it is important, be proactive, searching for actions that takes us to self growth.

If you just take a few minutes every day and be thankfull for all the blessings & positive things that you have gotten into your lives, just by this act you will experience positive feelings of happiness.
These are some of the principles that I use to keep my self happy, they work for me and I hope they will work for you too.

**Keep good relationships with family and friends
**Be an optimist (try to extend the time you spend on positive thoughts.)
**Keep a sincere smile, and laugh a lot. Act happy. It won’t hurt if you do it with someone you don’t even know.
**Do some physical activity; exercise regularly. This brings your serotonin up.
**Pray. Believe in God, be spiritual.
**Be generous and share with others. Give with your heart, and give more than you receive.
**Love your body and accept it just the way it was created. And take care of it; this is the temple of your soul.
**Read, exercise your mind, search for new subjects, projects, ideas.

To be Happy is a decision that you have to make. And there are just two options:
To Be or Not To Be Happy” Which one would you choose???

We need to set our goals wisely and to develop happy-thought strategies and to surround ourselves with encouraging and positive people.

Be open to new possibilities and don’t judge, try not to take things personally, open your heart to whom is in need, be honest, and accept the today, that will open your mind and spirit to you and to whom is in contact with you.

Be an optimist; be positive and laugh, LAUGH A LOT!!!!!!!!!

Keep Moving!!!!

Fear is what stops us from being great.

Fear is what stops us from being great, it hold us from stepping forward to life; it is the ENEMY that doesn’t let us be what we really were...