Thursday, May 27, 2010


Sometimes people come to me with this statement:
” Diana, why should I eat breakfast if I’m not hungry in the morning??"

Breakfast; as the word says it means break the fast. You have been sleeping for 6 to 8 hours, you need to start the day by putting some fuel (energy) onto your body, that’s the way our bodies will run and at the same time it will speed your metabolism.

Now…..not all foods are made the same, you have to choose wisely which foods are the ones you are going to consume, the ones that will be optimal and which will give you all the benefits, the nutrients your body needs to run smoothly and safe. And by just changing this habit you will be able to burn more calories during the day…isn’t it amazing???? O yes it is!!!!!!!

As an example: is not the same to have first thing in the morning a donut with an orange juice, as a bowl of regular oatmeal with some egg whites.
Excuses: I don’t have time :0(……. If we want, we always can find 3-6 minutes, how?
Take the blender, pour 6 ounces of water, ice cubes, a scoop of good organic quality protein powder, some berries, ¼ cup of regular oatmeal, cinnamon (optional) ,1 package of stevia, blend it and Voila!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ll have an amazing Smoothie.

You have time?? Good…… ……

Egg white Omelet
Organic egg whites
1 whole organic egg
Vegetables: peppers, onions, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli (you choose)
Sea salt and pepper

Sautee the vegetables in a pan, pour the egg mix and cook. That easy!!!!!

Keep handy some Ezequiel bread (you’ll find it at the refrigerator in your local supermarket) the one I like is English Muffins they taste yummii, but always toast it a bit.

And Keep Moving!!!!!!!!!!!

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