Monday, April 5, 2010

I have these flabby arms….and it is because of the age……

Flabby arms, means no exercise + not the right nutrition = slow metabolism

Sitting the other day with some 40sh women talking about how they exercise and eat:

Lady 1--- I don’t eat that much and I don’t know why I don’t lose weight, and look at my arms they are flabby, I'm getting into that "age".
My breakfast is something simple like an orange juice, coffee and a whole wheat toast, then I try to eat a small lunch like a yogurt and at night I eat with my family,( she didn't ask her what she eats at night……why? because is whatever is on the table and maybe a little bit more….)
Lady 2---do you exercise, because is important???
Lady 1---Oh but of course, I’m reading this awesome book, and the only place I can read it is at the gym while I do my cardio, so I go for 1 hour or so to walk on the treadmill.

Now girls first you are not putting the right nutrition into your body, and that is causing you to slow your metabolism
And 2nd if you can read a book while you do cardio, YOU ARE NOT DOING CARDIO, that’s a fact.

Try to put in your body 5 to 6 small meals that consist of:
lean protein; vegetables; starchy carbohydrates and good fats.
Exercise, do weight training, which will help you burn lots of fat while you get toned (no flabby arms) and your cardio should be in a mode that you can’t read a book, but you can talk or sing a song.

Keep Moving girls !!!!!!!!!!!

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